Distinguished Activists in ROCLA
This page contains links to writing, activity, and projects created and realized by ROCLA members over the years. Please suggest additional links for this page.
Bob Good
“Camden 28” 2006 movie about events in the early 1970s. “In the early-morning hours of Sunday, August 22, 1971, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and Attorney General John Mitchell announced that FBI agents had arrested 20 antiwar activists in and near a draft board office in Camden, New Jersey. Five days later, Mitchell made public the indictment of these individuals and included eight others who were linked to the break-in. The major charges against the group were conspiracy to remove and destroy files from the draft board, FBI office, and the Army Intelligence office; destruction of government property and interfering with the Selective Service system. If convicted, some of the indicted faced up to 47 years in federal prison. The men and women arrested that summer of ’71 in Camden called themselves “America’s conscience.” The government called them the Camden 28.“
Jean Douthwright
“Rochester Institute of Technology: A CIA Subsidiary?” Covert Action Information Bulletin, Fall 1991, pp. 4-9 “Rumors of ties between RIT’s faculty, administration, and students and the CIA have long circulated but until recently have remained relatively minor or largely unsubstantiated.A CIA memorandum dated October 16, 1975, revealed that the Agency had established “certain relationships [with RIT] which might be categorized as ‘special’ or ‘particular.'”5 Other documents showed that the College of Graphic Arts and Photography received about $200,000 from the CIA in grants from 1966 to 1975.6 In 1985 it was reported that “30 RIT … students have gone to work just for the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.”7 Most of the students were from computer science, math, engineering and imaging science programs.”
Jenny Atlee & Tom Loudon
White Dove awardee The Witness “Jennifer Atlee (and her partner Tom Loudon) worked with Witness for Peace in Nicaragua from 1984-86 documenting human rights abuses committed by the U.S-sponsored contra forces. In 1987 they went to work with the “Proyecto Cristo Rey,” an integral development project of the parish of Bocana de Paiwas, where they worked with war refugees in 12 resettlement areas. Although the refugees fled their homes hoping to escape contra violence, they continued to be attacked by contra forces. ” Read acceptance speech.