Founded in 1973, the Rochester Committee on Latin America seeks to build bridges between the Rochester, NY community and the people of Latin America. Through its monthly presentations, speakers, films and quarterly newsletters, ROCLA educates Rochester-area residents about the culture, economics, and politics of the countries of Central and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean, and the ways globalization, trade and drug war policies impact the lives of their people. ROCLA also supports the work of frontline solidarity organizations and Latin American people’s organizations working for justice and democracy in the global south.
We encourage our members and others to advocate for U.S policies that support human rights and reverse the often oppressive history of the U.S involvement in Latin America. ROCLA also stans with Latin American diaspora communities and allied organizations in the U.S in advocating for immigrant rights and a just and humane immigration system. Annually, ROCLA presents it’s White Dove Awards for outstanding leadership and service in the cause of human rights in Latin America.
ROCLA’s monthly programs are held on the first Wednesday of each month. Usually at 7:00 pm at the Downtown United Presbyterian Church – 121 N. Fitzhugh Street, Rochester, NY