ROCLA Presents our November Program: “Cuba at a Crossroads”
With Guest Speakers:
Melanie Medeiros, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology, SUNY Geneseo
Karleen West, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations, SUNY Geneseo
Cuba is in an exciting period of transition as – for the first time in nearly sixty years – someone other than a Castro brother assumes leadership for the country. What does this mean for Cuban politics and the everyday lives of Cuban citizens? Dr. Medeiros and Dr. West will present their impressions of this important time in Cuban history following their development of a partnership between SUNY Geneseo and Cuba’s University of Holguin, and their recent participation in a conference on the future of Cuba.
Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00 PM
All programs are held at Downtown United Presbyterian Church (121 North Fitzhugh St., Rochester) and are free and open to the public.
The church is looped for those with hearing loss and is wheelchair accessible.