SOA Watch – an organization close to Witness for Peace’s heart and mission – will be having its second binational convergence on the U.S. – Mexico border this November 10th through 12th. Join them in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora to call for an end to border militarization, to say no to U.S. intervention in Latin America, and to challenge the racist status quo in the U.S. This mobilization is also a chance to demand the closure of the School of the Americas/WHINSEC.
Join human rights activists, torture survivors, union workers, veterans, community organizers, migrants, faith communities, students, educators and more from across the Americas. Witness for Peace will have a presence there, and we very much look forward to seeing you.
There will be more information coming out about this important event in the coming weeks. You can get updates on this event at their SOA Watch Convergence website.
See you at the border!
In solidarity,
Witness for Peace
Witness for Peace
1115 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005