ROCLA February Program

Nelson Carasquillo, a native of Puerto Rico and the General Coordinator of the Comité de Apoyo a Los Trabajadores Agrícolas (CATA) in New Jersey, working with migrant farmworkers located in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Delmarva Peninsula, and Puerto Rico as they struggle for better living and working conditions, adequate housing, environmental justice, dignity, and respect.

In this capacity, he participates in several boards including the Urban/Rural Mission and the Farmworker Health and Safety Institute. Mr. Carrasquillo has been appointed to numerous commissions and planning groups including the USDA Small Farm Commission (1998), the USEPA’s Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee, overseeing the Food Quality Protection Act, the United Methodist Concern for Worker Task Force, National People of Color Environmental Summit II, New Jersey Latino Health Advisory Committee, and the New Jersey HIV Prevention Community Planning Group.

He will be here in Rochester to discuss “Food Justice and Immigration” and engage in dialogue with the audience about what a food system based in justice for farmers, farmworkers and consumers would look like. The presentation will be held

Wednesday, February 5th, 7:15* PM
Downtown United Presbyterian Church,
121 N. Fitzhugh St., Rochester

Notice the slightly later start time than usual.

Free and open to the public.
Wheelchair accessible and looped for those with hearing loss.