Wednesday, November 4, 2015, 7 PM 

Downtown Presbyterian Church

121 N. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, NY

Dr. David Tamarin, Professor Emeritus at SUNY Geneseo and author of The Argentine Labor Movement, 1930-1945: A Study in the Origins of Peronism, will lead a discussion of the 1970s “Dirty War” in Argentina, and the film, ““La Hora de los Hornos” (The Hour of the Furnaces), shown at the Labor Film Series on October 16. The film depicts the political context that led to Argentina’s “Dirty War” in the 1970s, during which at least 13,000 people were tortured, disappeared or killed.

The discussion is free and open to the public. You are welcome to participate, whether or not you have seen the film. The church is looped for the hearing impaired.