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Q. For how long has the U. S. imposed a total trade embargo on Cuba?

A. To find out, you’ll need to come to the ROCLA meeting on Wednesday, June 6th!

Hint: The embargo was imposed in 1962.

Q. How many U.S. Presidents have endorsed the embargo?

A. To find out, you’ll need to come to the ROCLA meeting on Wednesday, June 6th! Hint: Start with Kennedy and keep counting!

Q. Apart from the obvious humanitarian reasons, why has the Pastors for Peace National Friendshipment brought tons of medical and educational supplies to Cuba for 22 years?

A. To find out, you’ll need to come to the ROCLA meeting on Wednesday June 6th! Hint: The late Rev. Lucius Walker followed in the footsteps of Gandhi and King.

Vic Vinkey speaks about Cuba, the Embargo, and Friendshipment at ROCLA 06-06.

Activist Nurse Dorothy Granada Speaks about her Newest Project!

Nurse and long-time activist Dorothy Granada is well known to everyone who works in solidarity with Nicaragua. In the 1980’s she organized a model women’s health clinic in the city of Mulukuku. Soon the clinic had expanded its mission to include literacy classes, and domestic violence and legal assistance programs. Not surprisingly, Dorothy ran afoul of right-wing President Enrique Bolaños. Bolaños tried to force her to leave Nicaragua, but Dorothy resisted. Ultimately, Bolaños backed down.

Dorothy Granada now lives in Managua, but she refuses to retire. She has initiated an innovative new health project. In many remote regions of Nicaragua, babies are delivered by traditional midwives. These women are experienced and dedicated. However, they often lack the skills to make their work more effective, and to make childbirth safer for women.

In conjunction with MINSA, the Nicaraguan Health Ministry, Dorothy’s group is initiating a “Pilot Project in Skills to Save Lives.” To quote Dorothy,

“During 20 years working with midwives and other community health workers in Mulukuku, I learned that it isn’t enough to share information with midwives/health workers in a classroom. The midwives/health workers return to their communities and are confronted with a reality far removed from the classroom. What distinguishes the Pilot Project is the assignment of mentors who are nurses from the health centers that serve the areas where the midwives/health workers live and work. These mentors do the teaching in a week-long course followed by regular meetings with their assigned midwives in the health centers as well as in the communities establishing a relationship of accompaniment and friendship.”


Wednesday, June 6th at 7-9 pm

Downtown United Presbyterian Church

121 N. Fitzhugh Street, Rochester, NY

This program is free and open to the public.

For more information contact Bob Kaiser