After I Pick the Fruit:
Pulling Back the Curtain on Migrant Womens Lives
A film and discussion presented by The Rochester Committee on Latin America
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Downtown Presbyterian Church
121 N. Fitzhugh St.
6:00 PM (1 hour earlier than usual, as the schedule is full and the Presidential Debate begins at 9:00 PM)
For 10 years, independent filmmaker Nancy Ghertner followed the lives of five migrant women who labored in Wayne County fields and orchards and their struggle to fulfill their roles as workers, wives and mothers behind a curtain of community isolation that rendered them nearly invisible to all around them. After I Pick the Fruit, a 93-minute documentary, is the stunning result of her labor over ten years as she followed the women in New York, Florida and Mexico. Four of the women are from Mexico, and one is from Haiti. Nancy will be with us to lead the discussion.
At 6:00 we will have the privilege of hearing from Pastor Ruth Orantes, who is on a Sabbatical from the Shekina Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista de Shekina) in Santa Ana, El Salvador. She will update ROCLA about her work among the poor, nurturing children, and empowering women in Santa Ana since the time she was here to introduce the film “Return to El Salvador.”