Greater Rochester
Haiti Networking Event


Friday, May 12, 2017
St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality
402 South Avenue, Rochester

Rochester-Haiti Connections:  So many local Rochester groups collaborate with groups in Haiti!  We might be able to share resources, facilitate networking and communication, provide advice or consultation in our group’s specialties, or co-host events such as speakers, discussions or Kreyol lessons.  When I lived in Haiti I was part of a similar group called the Cap Haitien Health Network, which serves as an inspiration for setting up something here in Rochester.

Networking:  Please join us for this Rochester-Haiti networking event (and an early celebration of Fèt Drapo) on May 12 to learn about the projects other groups are working on!  We’ll provide some food–maybe even some Haitian food–and some space and time for representatives of local groups working in Haiti to share about their programs.

Information:  Please RSVP to if your group can send a representative.  Whether you can come or not, please add your groups’ info to this Google Doc so we can collect all the local groups who work in Haiti:

Please share this event with others who work in Haiti,

We hope that you can join us and bring your favorite Haitian proverb!  “Yon sèl dwèt pa ka mange kalalou.” (You can’t eat okra with one finger.)


Sarah Brownell