And What Can We Do in the USA
By Grahame Russell
Thursday, November 13th, from 6pm – 8pm
Casa Hispana
Nazareth College
Grahame Russell, a non-practicing lawyer, author, adjunct professor at the University of Northern British Columbia and, since 1995, director of Rights Action will talk about what are the underlying causes of why so many Central Americans have fled by land to the United States over the past decades, how U.S. economic and military policies have helped cause the very conditions that people flee from, and what can we do from the USA to help with this situation.
““Where are you going?” they asked him. “To the States,” he replied. “Why?” they asked. “There is no work in Honduras,” he said. “Where is your mother?” “She is home.” So José Luís, an eleven-year-old, was heading to the United States to look for work there. It’s hard to imagine the desperation that would make a mother allow her young son to travel over two thousand miles through Mexico, clinging to a train in the hope of making it to the United States.” (Joseph Sorrentino, Train of the Unknowns: Crossing the Border Isn’t as Hard as Getting to It.)
Sponsored by The Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, Casa Hispana, International Studies Department, Religious Studies Department, The Peace and Justice Program, The Faculty Lecture and Film committee and the Rochester Committee on Latin America.
For more information, contact Elena Goldfeder at egolfe9@naz.edu or Esperanza Roncero at eroncer5@naz.edu